Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Baby Talk

Mali spouted some great one through the pregnancy and since Alex's arrival. Here are a few -

- After hearing me say something about the baby being in water whilst pregnant Mali would often ask 'Baby sister swimming at the beach?"

- Mali kept grabbing my hand and pushing it on my stomach and saying "you push baby sister out your hole".

- When she arrived at the hospital to see Alex for the first time see exclaimed "yay, mummy pushed baby sister out her hole!!"

- Seeing me feed Alex for the first time, " Baby sister drink from your boobies? Baby sister drink from your nipples? You got sippy cup in there?"

- Mali often asks if baby is drinking milk or water. She is convinced there is milk in one breast and water in the other.


Special K said...

Oh my those are hilarious!!!!!

*Sara* said...

OMG that is so cute. Susannah knows that I have milk on both sides but she thinks that she has milk on one side and juice on the other when she is nursing her stuffed animals. How do they come up this these things!

c o u r t n e y said...

I about spit out my morning tea reading this! You'll be so glad you wrote those down for future reference some day! A riot!