Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The wait is long over

Yep, been busy....that and I hate typing one handed, but Alex made her debut on the 13th of July. Here's the generic story posted everywhere to avoid typing it out a million times:

Strong contractions started on Wednesday the 9th. They didn’t form a pattern and when they did it was at intervals of 20 minutes most of the time. By Sunday morning I was so tired I decided to call the hospital and go in and be checked.

We dropped Mali off at my mums and arrived at the hospital at 12:30pm. I was sure they would send us home but was hoping that an internal might move things along a little. The contractions were about 6 minutes apart in the car but once I was hooked up to the monitor I only had 4 in the hour. The midwife did an internal at 1:30pm and I was surprisingly 5 cm and her head was right there. She swept my membranes and told me I was staying and to just keep moving around to get the contractions going.

The contractions went to every 4 minutes almost immediately. I labored in the shower for awhile and at 4pm I asked her to check me again and I was7-8cm dilated. I cried because with Mali it took 3 hours from 7 cm an I was in a lot of pain already.

At 5pm the midwife asked if I would like her to break my waters to speed things up. I agreed and as soon as I turned around on the bed I felt the urge to push. Next thing the baby's head is out with the bag of waters intact. The midwife broke the bag as another walked in the room and made some comment about a cord. She slipped the cord over the baby's head and I pushed once more and she was out.

Alexandria Lindy was born at 5:04pm weighing 6lb5oz and 49.5cm long.

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