Sunday, August 24, 2008

6 Weeks of this -

Alex has reflux. So we have had a lot of screaming and not a lot of sleeping. We did start her on Zantac and whilst it has helped with the screaming, she still does not sleep a lot and only sleeps if she is being held.
Just so I can show that she is not always screaming, here's one with Mali and her out of control hair. Mali has such fine hair that is always everywhere. It is so hard to keep it under control. Any tips?
That crazy hair again. My two babies (I'm pretty sure she is over the weight limit).
I managed to catch a picture of Alex asleep somewhere other then on a person. She did wake up after 20 minutes, but you take what you can get. She is 6 weeks old in this picture and we still get stopped by people everywhere to ask how big she is and who think she is a week old, she is so little compared to Mali.
Here's Mali at 6 weeks with Auntie Sam, Uncle Greg and Spencer.


Kara said...

What cuties!! Lizzy (who has reflux, too) will only sleep on me, or in her baby swing... will Alex at least sleep in the swing? We go through batteries like crazy, but that's a price I'm willing to pay for sleep :-)

Katie said...

Unfortunatly she wont sleep in the swing either. She will sit the happy awake for about 15 minutes, but not a chance of sleeping. Ive inclined her bassinet too but still no luck, maybe I need to be a bit tougher and work on it for a few days.

Anonymous said...

How sweet do they look when they are all bundled up and sleeping. I love to get pics of Pilar with her eyes open so she looks like she is a live, you know you stare at her sometimes to make sure she is breathing... I can't be the only freak...

But I love the sleeping moments. I just love it when she is content and QUIET!!

I love the sleeping picture.

Kristin said...

Your girls are so cute!! Alex is so tiny awwww!