Thursday, March 6, 2008

Speaking of the little Monkey

What is up with kids cartoons these days?

In any given day in our house you can view 4+ episodes of Dora the Explorer. Or perhaps you might prefer a dose of Poco or Fimbles, you may even enjoy a trip with the Teletubbies or the questionable Boom Bahs. Yes I let my toddler watch TV, yes she watches it for more than half an hour, yes the TV is pretty much running all day.

Now, I know that these cartoons are not new things, in fact they are not that different from cartoons when I was a kid, but where is the common sense? Dora relys on a monkey, some other furry critters, a talking back pack and a know it all map. How old is she, like 5? Do her parents worry about her wandering around the jungle without a clue as to where she is going? In one episode she has to ask the map how to get to her OWN house.

Besides the fact that its just dangerous, the monkey is a moocher. EVERY time coins are required for something, he never has any and poor Dora forks over more money for him. I really think she should drop the monkey.

Don't get me wrong, I would prefer Dora to Boom Bahs any day (I still don't know what that show is about). I have a two year old who yells things in Spanish at random times, can now count to five in Spanish and sings the theme song every morning when she wakes up. But at least when I was a kid it was teenagers (like in Scooby-Doo) running around unsupervised. Maybe we should just spend our time watching Oprah or Days.

1 comment:


I often wonder where the parents of the Little Einsteins kids are...I mean who lets their kids go galavanting around the world in a rocket?

The last thing I want to do is pass along my sedentary tendencies to my daughter. I have to force myself to take her outside. Thank goodness for her day care where she goes outside twice a day.